Maize, Sorghum, Sunflower. Sesame.
Variety: TZH 538
Hybrid Maize seed that matures in 90 days.
- Matures in 90 days.
- It tolerates drought and rust, MSV, GLS.
- It corn binds to prevent insects entering the corner.
- It’s corn has hard white kernel and is suitable for sheling.
- Suitable for roasted corn.
- Suitable for rainfall and irrigation.
Production zones
- TZH 538 Grows well in the lower, middle and upper zone 100 – 1800m from sea level.
- It carries two corns if planted (8 -10kg of seed / acre), use fertilizer for planting and growing.
- Produces high yield (32 – 52 bags per acre).
Variety: TZM 523
Maize seed that matures in 75 days.
- Matures in 75 days.
- It tolerates drought and rust, MSV, GLS.
- It corn binds to prevent insects entering the corner.
- It’s corn has hard white kernel and is suitable for sheling.
- Suitable for roasted corn.
- Suitable for rainfall and irrigation.
- It’s suitable where there is inadequets rainfall.
- It yields well even if there is shortage of nutrients in the soil.
Production zones
- TZM 523 Grows well in the lower, middle and upper zone 100 – 1800m from sea level.
- It carries two corns if planted (8 -10kg of seed / acre), use fertilizer for planting and growing.
- Produces high yield (20 – 30 bags per acre).
Variety: KILIMA
- Shiny white Flint composite variety.
- Late maturity variety 4-5 months to maturity.
- Tolerant and resistant to Maize streak virus, Turcicum leaf.
- Blight and leaf rust.
- Very much like by farmer due to good poundability.
- Tolerant to storage pests.
- High grain yielding variety up to 6 tons/ha under wise planting system and practices, crop protection and husbandry.
- Under controlled field crop husbandry a farmers may get an average grain yield from 3 – 5tonnes/hectare
- Farmer is recommended to follow planting systems and practices to attain the target yield.
Production zones
Kilima grows well in mid-altitudes areas with medium to high rainfall/precipitations.
Usually production mid-altitudes of 900-1600M above Sea Level
Variety: SITUKA M1
Situka M1 si an open pollinated variety (OPV) that mature within few days
It has a medium range of production with medium yields.
- SITUKA M1 takes 90 -100 days to grain maturity
- It takes 57-59 days to tasseling /silking maturity
- Have kernels/seed with white flint /dent
- Tolerant to low soil fertility (yields up to 4tonnes in low nitrogen areas
- Moderate tolerance to maize streak virus (MSV),Leaf bright and Grey leaf spot
- Good poundability,
Production zones
- Production altitude: 600-1500 m above Seal Level
Situka M1 grows well in regions like Manyara, Arusha, Morogoro,Singida, Tanga and around lake zones
Variety: TMV1
- Plant height 180-225cm, Shiny white Flint composite variety.
- Intermediate maturity with 65 days to silking at mid altitude areas, earlier.
- Under lowland conditions(50-53 days).
- Highly resistant close to immunity to maize streak virus diseases.
- Moderate tolerant to leaf rust.
- Very good for green maize ( roasting).
- Has high yield from 4-5ton/ha under optimum conditions
Production zones
- Recommended for low and mid altitude areas as well as river basins during off season
- planted in Kigoma and bukoba regions.
Variety: RECORD
- Maturity: 90-100 days
- Moderate tolerant to drought, lodging
- Moderate resistant diseases to leaf bright, leaf rust, Fusarium spp, head and root rot
- High oil content ranging from 33-50%
- Low cholesterol ,oleic acids and other oil components
Record variety assures a farmer with an average yield: 15-20bags per acre. (0.8-1.5tons/ha)
Production zones
Sunflower (record) is highly produced in semi-arid areas and medium altitude ranging 0-800m above mean seal level. Areas that have low rainfall availability such as Dodoma, Singida, Pwani, Morogoro and other areas vulnerable to harsh climatic condition and prone to drought.
CROP: SESAME( simsim)
Variety: LINDI 02
- Branching: has basal, compact branching,Capsules size: long capsules, 2-3 carpels,Capsules size: long capsules, 2-3 carpels within the same plant
- Tolerant to leaf spots, Cercoseptoria sesame, stem rot, and Fusarium spp.
- Susceptible to Flea,Good oil content: 55.61 %.
Production zones
Production Altitude and Range: Up to 1500
- Regions such as Mtwara, Lindi, Ruvuma,Morogoro, Pwani
Crop: sorghum
Variety: MACIA
- Days to 50% flowering reached after 64-65days
- Plant height ( Short) with average height of 1.3 -1.5 m
- Macia Shortness enables easiness in bird scaring strategy
- Grain color : white
- Have good malting value due to high Sorghum Diastatic unit (SDU)value
- It helps in reducing body cancer effect issues due to anti- oxidant in them and increase senescence period (life expectance).
Grain yield of Macia sorghum variety is from 4tons/ha and above.
Production zones
In Arid and semi-arid tropics where rainfall or precipitation is problematic or scarce is where sorghum preferably recommended because of harsh and hot climatic conditions.
- Areas such as Dodoma,Singida ,Manyara and other areas that receive low precipitation can be alternative to maize and other crops.